Coduri de eroare furnizate de BIOS AMI
Codurile de eroare, dupa cum stiti, sunt furnizate de BIOS si afisate de un instrument necunoscut de catre utilizatori si cvasinecunoscut de majoritatea profesionistilor care lucreaza in Service-urile „de cartier”, acestea fiind utilizate indeosebi de marile firme de diagnosticare si reparare a sistemelor de calcul, indeosebi cele care rezolvau si problemele de garantie ale producatorilor de placi de baza.
Ati vazut in articolele precedente cum anume se face diagnosticarea calculatoarelor si laptopurilor cu ajutorul cardului de diagnoza si codurile de eroare generate de BIOS-urile AWARD si PHOENIX, astazi urmand sa va prezentam ultimul set, cel al BIOS-ului AMI.
Coduri AMI
01 | NMI is disabled and the i286 register test is about to start |
02 | i286 register test has passed |
03 | ROM BIOS checksum test (32Kb from F8000h) passed OK |
04 | 8259 programmable interrupt controller has initialized OK |
05 | CMOS interrupt disabled |
06 | Video system disabled and the system timer checks OK |
07 | 8253/4 programmable-interval timer test OK |
08 | Delta counter channel 2 OK |
09 | Delta counter channel 1 OK |
0A | Delta counter channel 0 OK |
0B | Parity status cleared |
0C | The refresh and system timer check OK |
0D | Refresh check OK |
0E | Refresh period checks OK |
10 | Ready to start 64KB base memory test |
11 | Address line test OK |
12 | 64KB base memory test OK |
13 | System-interrupt vectors initialized |
14 | 8042 keyboard controller checks OK |
15 | CMOS read/write test OK |
16 | CMOS checksum and battery OK |
17 | Monochrome video mode OK |
18 | CGA color mode set OK |
19 | Attempting to pass control to video ROM at C0000h |
1A | Returned from video ROM |
1B | Display memory read/write test OK |
1C | Display memory read/write alternative test OK |
1D | Video retrace test OK |
1E | Global equipment byte set for proper video operation |
1F | Ready to initialize video system |
20 | Video test OK |
21 | Video display OK |
22 | The power-on message is displayed |
30 | Ready to start the virtual-mode memory test |
31 | virtual memory mode test started |
32 | CPU has switched to virtual mode |
33 | Testing the memory address lines |
34 | Testing the memory address lines |
35 | Lower 1MB of RAM found |
36 | Memory size computation checks OK |
37 | Memory test in progress |
38 | Memory below 1MB is initialized |
39 | Memory above 1MB is initialized |
3A | Memory size is displayed |
3B | Ready to test the lower 1MB of RAM |
3C | Memory test of lower 1MB OK |
3D | Memory test above 1MB OK |
3E | Ready to shutdown for real-mode testing |
3F | Shutdown OK- now in real mode |
40 | Ready to disable gate A20 |
41 | A20 line disabled successfully |
42 | Ready to start DMA controller test |
4E | Address line test OK |
4F | System still in real mode |
50 | DMA page register test OK |
51 | Starting DMA controller 1 register test |
52 | DMA controller 1 test passed, starting DMA controller 2 register test |
53 | DMA controller 2 test passed |
54 | Ready to test latch on DMA controller 1 and 2 |
55 | DMA controller 1 and 2 latch test OK |
56 | DMA controller 1 and 2 configured OK |
57 | 8259 programmable interrupt controller initialized OK |
58 | 8259 programmable interrupt controller mask register OK |
59 | Master 8259 programmable interrupt controller mask register OK |
5A | Ready to check timer interrupts |
5B | Timer interrupt check OK |
5C | Ready to test keyboard interrupt |
5D | Error detected in timer or keyboard interrupt |
5E | 8259 programmable interrupt controller error |
5F | 8259 programmable interrupt controller OK |
70 | Start of keyboard test |
71 | Keyboard controller Ok |
72 | Keyboard tested OK |
73 | Keyboard global initialization OK |
74 | Floppy setup ready to start |
75 | Floppy controller setup OK |
76 | Hard disk setup ready to start |
77 | Hard disk controller setup OK |
79 | Ready to initialize timer data |
7A | Verifying CMOS battery power |
7B | CMOS battery verified OK |
7D | Analyzing CMOS RAM size |
7E | CMOS memory size updated |
7F | Send control to adapter ROM |
80 | Enable the setup routine if <Delete> is pressed |
82 | Printer data initialization is OK |
83 | RS-232 data initialization is OK |
84 | 80×87 check and test OK |
85 | Display any soft-error message |
86 | Give control to ROM E0000h |
87 | Return from system ROM |
00 | Call the Int19 boot loader |
Dupa cum vedeti, codurile AMI sunt cele mai numeroase, fapt care sugereaza ca diagnoza computerelor cu BIOS AMI este mai precisa si mai rapida.
Daca aveti probleme sau doriti informatii, de orice fel din domeniul IT, veniti la noi la Service – nu inainte de a suna la 0763 644 629 (zona Crangasi) sau 0765 941 097 (zona Dristor) – si specialistii nostri va vor consilia, competent si profesionist.
Intotdeauna, parerea dumneavoastra este importanta pentru noi si am fi bucurosi daca ne-ati lasa un comentariu (mai jos) in care sa ne spuneti parerea dumneavoastra si sa ne indicati eventuale directii in care sa mergem cu explicarea diferitilor termeni sau caracteristici sau… ce anume v-ar interesa sa gasiti pe blogul nostru.
S-auzim de bine!